Online Purchase Form

Please submit the online purchase form after making payment via bank transfer.
Enter member details
Choose products to purchase:
Membership Fee
Valid for Lifetime
IDR 1,000,000
*for new sign up and must be purchased along with Lesson Package
Select Lesson Package below
Popular Plan
- Cake Basic 18
- Bread Basic 24
- Cooking 3
Valid for 52 months
IDR 20,920,000
Ultimate Cake
- Cake Basic 18
- Cake Master 12
Valid for 48 months
IDR 20,560,000
Ultimate Bread
- Bread Basic 24
- Bread Master 12
Valid for 48 months
IDR 19,174,000
Novice Plan
- Cooking 6
- Bread Basic 8
- Cake Basic 6
Valid for 24 months
IDR 13,310,000
Petite Baker
- Cooking 6
- Bread Basic 8
Valid for 16 months
IDR 9,652,000
Petite Patissier
- Cooking 6
- Cake Basic 6
Valid for 16 months
IDR 9,321,000
Baking Lover
- Bread Basic 8
- Cake Basic 6
Valid for 16 months
IDR 8,105,000
ABC Gift (For Gifting Only)
ABC Finest Experience

- Cooking 1
- Bread Basic 1
- Cake Basic 1
Valid for 6 months
IDR 2,800,000
ABC Gift (For Gifting Only)
ABC Deluxe Experience

- Bread Basic 1
- Cake Basic 1
Valid for 5 months
IDR 1,970,000

Total amount to pay
Membership Fee
IDR 1,000,000
Salted Caramel Chocolate Fondant
Matcha Red Bean Shokupan
Strawberry Chocolate Mousse Tart
Orange Tart
Baked Cheesecake
Scones ~Plain & Chocolate~
Forêt Noire
Milk Tea Roll
Orange Butter Sandwich Cookies
Chocolate Roll
Cheese Tart ~ Plain & Matcha~
Canelés de Bordeaux
Langues de Chat
Raspberry Fromage Loaf
Popular Plan
IDR 20,920,000
Ultimate Cake
IDR 20,560,000
Ultimate Bread
IDR 19,174,000
Novice Plan
IDR 13,310,000
Petite Baker
IDR 9,652,000
Petite Patissier
IDR 9,321,000
Baking Lover
IDR 8,105,000
ABC Gift (For Gifting Only)
ABC Finest Experience
IDR 2,800,000
ABC Gift (For Gifting Only)
ABC Deluxe Experience
IDR 1,970,000

Please deposit to :
Bank Account Name : PT ABC Cooking Studio Indonesia
Bank Account Number : 8310 13 1718
Bank : BCA

Upload bank transfer receipt
Upload bank transfer receipt (pdf or jpg, max 300kb)
I acknowledge that I have read the Terms and Conditions, the validity of course(s) starts from the course application date with confirmed payment, valid for the stated validity period respectively. I also acknowledge that the termination of whole course(s) or part of the course(s) is not allowed for this promotion, regardless of the attendance progress.

